The Exhibit Group is a holding company that federates all of its subsidiaries: Exhibit SAS, Felix&Co, Exhibit Monaco, Pixeolab, Types Top and Exil, to manage your cross-functional projects, sponsor of a meaningful future.

The group's development strategy is directed towards the constant accumulation of additional know-how, in connection with image and event materialization, in order to propose a relevant, global offer.

Initiator of a general policy that guides its subsidiaries, the Exhibit Group puts the emphasis every day on the fluidity of exchanges, commercial development, the sharing of values and cohesion, industrial development, marketing and communication.
It allows the pooling of certain operational costs and guarantees rigorous management and transparent accounts for its subsidiaries, validated by the auditors.
Its story started in 1991, shifting from conventional reprography to multiple modern activities and from a classic pyramidal management structure to shared governance.
Created in 1991
40€ Million consolidated turnover
5 production sites
16,500 M2 of workshops
+ 700.000 M2 of décor printed per year
33 years average age
1 raison d'être

Take pleasure in giving a sense of meaning to projects
Member of the Fespa France association
An empowering leadership

The group and its subsidiaries are supported by a Management Committee composed of 6 persons representing the 5 Business Units (Development, Industry, Marketing, Human Capital, Administration & Finances) and the President. This governance permits the co-creation and piloting of strategic decisions while being at the service of the subsidiaries to help them implement their operational actions.
No decision is taken without general agreement and a predominant place is given to listening to others and the sharing of values around a common vision.

The future is built together

Each employee is a key actor in the organization of the group and gives sense to its activities. By creating positive feedback loops between personal growth and the growth of the group, the human potential is awoken and creativity follows on from this.
This desire to build a real human adventure found its footing in the organization of an Open Forum that gathered all the Exhibit Group actors in 2014 with the intention of imagining and building the future together. 80 participants discussed 27 subjects and decided to initiate 7 concrete, priority actions.
A gathering of 150 employees took place in 2019 in order to continue the work undertaken, followed by a new gathering in 2024 bringing together 120 employees.

A liberating culture initiated by the Management Committee

We love to create an company where each and every person uses their reason, in the philosophical sense of the term, knows how to take a decision and feels proud and valued in their daily lives. It turns the professional environment into a place of expression for individual talents. It opens the dialogue and communication in order not to miss out on bright ideas. It allows resilience by offering a range of possibilities that schooling cannot offer.

The values of sharing, tolerance, profound belief in human beings and their capacity to surpass themselves were the first motives to trigger the managerial transformation of the group.
We love to promote both systems and human beings to co-build the present and the future. We love the idea of overturning the established order and to obliterate the precepts of the providential boss under the pretext that he pays out salaries.
We like to kindle the fire of passion and watch how readily it spreads. It's the butterfly effect. It's the force of confidence, humour and humility.
We are animated by our love of mankind.

We always rethink and push ourselves beyond the limit to transform our organization, transform the public's experience, transform our industry.
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